Girls Rule & the Earth
The Girls In Green Program provides environmental education to girls ages 7-18 to engage girls in environmental action within their communities while also teaching them to make healthier life and dietary decisions.
Girls In Green participants learn, research and present topical information about the environment through interactive, fun, educational games and activities that utilize and stretch participants mathematical, scientific, communication and presentation skills.
Girls are encouraged to couple their creativeness with their ability to learn, form their own opinions, make healthy decisions, get involved in their communities and understand the impact their own actions have on the environment.
Girls In Green will continue to inspire themselves and others to become life-long environmental stewards by:
- Actlvely partipating in the Chicago GreenFestival where girls will explore environmental career pathways, film, fashion and to participate in fun and engaging workshops that will equip them to work together to take environmental action in their communities.
- Launching the "Eco-Cool Schools Initiative" at multiple school sites to help schools and communities to save money and resources. Through the Initiative participants will lead efforts to implement environmental and health improvements at their schools and in their communities while undertaking place-based hands-on environmental audits, designing and analyzing solutions and actions, and monitoring progress.
- Design and decorate reusable grocery bags which will be sold to support a worthy cause.
- Organize a "3 R's Fashion Show" to educate the community and to promote fun and fashionable ways to reduce waste and reuse and recycle materials.
Girls Rule & The Earth
Two problems confront us: social inequality and environmental destruction. Both problems are reaching crisis points. We act as if they are separate. But they are linked—economically, politically, and morally. The solutions and strategies for each must, therefore, be one. - Van Jones
Coming Soon!
Girls Rule!
Eco Cool School Program Curriculum
Girls Rule! Contributor Honor Roll!
Thank you for your gift!
I love that FLOW inspires girls to "blend out" rather than to "blend in."
I invest in their programs to celebrate the potential that I believe every girl possesses.
Before tonight's concert join us at the...